As our kid's get older, sometimes I wonder if they even care the other exists!! I know, deep down, they certainly do, but they also go through stages of "I wish is was just me" and "Oh, (s)he is making me SOOO mad!!!!" among other things. BUT if something happens to either one .. it's all forgotten and the "protective" part comes out. One of the things I LOVE about this photo is the innocence of 2 siblings without a care in the world but their painting and eachother. This is why I love photography. Enjoy your day today!
Challenges Entered:
my brother and i couldn't stand each other until we were in our 50s - go figure. now? we're closer than ever!!!
hope you are well. the page is absolutely fabulous!
hugs :)
Karen just looking at this makes me HAPPY
Oh my how true that is Karen - having two daughters I know!!! Gorgeous layout hun.
Take care hugs Ali x
What a beautiful photo Karen! I used to chase my sister around the house with a hairbrush lol...I was younger but much taller! Now we're the best of friends :-D Thanks for joining in the fun at LCI this week xx
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