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Friday, July 16, 2010

Wishing You...

Hello! This is my second post for today so feel free to scroll down for my Lasting Memories post as time is ticking!! This is a card I put together for my parent's upcoming 30th anniversary. I just need to find the right style of "Wishing You..." for the front and then I'll add "A Happy Anniversary" on the inside. I used a new paper pack from CTMH called "Cherry Oh" and I added liquid glass to the cherries. The chipboard shapes are from a new line I found at Pointer's called "Pepper and Friends" and this line is TOO CUTE!! I don't know if you can really see it, but there is glitter on the chipboard as well. They're adorable!

Hope everyone is having a great day and a great start to the wknd!! I'm entering this in the following challenges:
  1. Glitterbabes Challenge #3 - Sketch
  2. FBW #113 - Layers
  3. Sir Stampalot July Challenge - Lazy Hazy Days Of Summer
  4. Creative Card Crew - To Die For


Gina said...

Fantastic summery feel to this card Karen :D Thank you for sharing it with us at Glitterbabes Challenge XXX

Anonymous said...

Nicely done Karen!

Lee Ann said...

So pretty!

Mel said...

Gorjuss petal!
Love the cherrys, my fav hee!
Hugs Melly xxx

dolcreations said...

This is such a pretty summery card! You should put this into the Sir Stamp alot challenge. This month's challenge is...Lazy Hazy Days of summer! This is so summer!

Crystal said...

Karen that chipboard is wonderful and sooo fun!! LOVE the sparkle..Such a great summer card!! Have a wonderful Friday!

Kimberly S said...

Very pretty Karen, love the chipboard image with the glitter accents! :)

Stef H said...

oh how fabulous! i love it! thank you so much for joining us at glitterbabe's challenge!

now if i can do a card... i might do your challenge. or should i learn to scrapbook?????? hmmmmm

hugs :)

Tink said...

GREAT Card! Thanks for joining the challenge at Glitterbabe..

brenda said...

Hi Karen

This is just great, what an unusual and imaginative piece of artwork.

Thank you for joining in at Stampalot Challenge this month and good luck.

B x

Nancy said...

Oh Karen this is a beautiful card. I just love the wishing well and zoomed in is so detailed. I can see the liquid glass and glitter. The shadows on the flowers on the well flowers look amazing. Your mom and dad will love it.

Danni said...

Pretty card!! Good to see ya at FBW!! :-)

pinky said...

Very pretty card Karen, love the image. Thanks for joining us this month at Sir Stampalot.

JLJ Designs said...

Sweet card! I love all the cherries. Thank you for joining us at Glitterbabe's Challenge.


Sally H said...

Beautiful!such fab papers! Thanks for sharing your summery creation with us at Sir stampalot this month!

PinksyDoodles said...

This is a fabulous summery card! Thank you for joining us at Sir Stampalot this month.
Clare x

Tracy said...

Fab Entry, thanks for joining Sir Stampalot’s challenge, Good luck.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Nancy said...

A wonderful card, Karen!! I love it, and I'm so glad to see you playing along at FBW!!

Francesca said...

A wonderful card , thanks for joining us at sir stampalot this month and good luck!

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