Akayla: He was donated to us from a zoo in Montana when he was 3 months old. In a wolf pack usually only the Alpha male and female breed, in his birth pack in Montana a younger female was fighting for breeding rights. Both of the females were bred and there were two litters of puppies born in the spring of 2000. There was not enough room in the enclosure to sustain 11 puppies, therefore 3 were donated to us.
Montana and her 2 siblings were donated to us from a zoo in Montana when they were 3 months old. In a wolf pack usually only the Alpha male and female breed, in the pack in Montana a younger female was fighting for breeding rights. Both of the females were bred and there were two litters of puppies born in the spring of 2000. There was not enough room in the enclosure to sustain 11 puppies, therefore 3 were donated to us.

i can spend all day just looking at your photos! absolutely breathtaking! - and i LOVE your new profile pic!!!! it's soooooooo YOU!
sure hope your cough takes a hike soon! sending hugs to keep you warm!
You work for wild reserve, that's great! I think I have to thank you from name of all us who relay care! I guess you know for Born free
(Miss McKenna is so kindly, isn't it?), and that is local for me organisation who do same, maybe will be interesting for you
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